Starcraft 2: Completed!

July 31, 2010 at 9:59 pm | Posted in Video Games | 14 Comments
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I’m probably going to do a video on this (if anything, because I have to share my lifesize 3D cardboard Jim Raynor standee that the wonderful employees at Best Buy let me take)… but I just had to say that after completing the campaigns, I’ve decided that Starcraft 2 is now one of my new favorite games. I was so incredibly happy with how they handled the story. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but I’ll just say that it was everything I’d hoped it would be. I was moved to tears during two of the cutscenes (the Kerrigan flashback and the very last cinematic), but this could have been because I’ve always been so into the story.

Ahhh… I just can’t believe how good it was… ;_; I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!!!


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  1. Well done! Unfortunately I’m too poor to get StarCraft II at the moment having spent all my money on audio equipment, but it’s definitely on my to buy list. I only got in to the first one fairly recently, but I was surprised by the balance and intelligence of it.

    I wish I had the power to steal giant cardboard cutouts… How did you manage to convince them?

  2. Congrats šŸ™‚
    They are going to release two more campaigns, so you’re going to have a lot more fun.

  3. Great job finishing the campaign! I’m kind of in the last mission, because I’m too focused on doing multiplayer :P. Hope you enjoy Starcraft 2! Maybe one of these days we could meet in multiplayer!

  4. Congratz!
    Now I am very excited.. waaa.. wish time flies fast.
    I’m still waiting for my order T_T 2 weeks to ship.

  5. I was a bit indifferent to the ending, if only because of the last words Raynor had said to Kerrigan back in Brood Wars. It feels like who he is now is kind of forced, like he’s given up on the idea of what he said. I’m being vague intentionally to not give away anything, but if you’ve played Starcraft and Brood Wars, you should know what I’m talking about. I hope. It’s been a LONG time since that game came out!

  6. I haven’t beat the campaign yet because I’m playing 1v1 matches a lot…still such a good game. Glad you enjoyed it, especially the ending (Yeah I cheated and looked at spoilers šŸ™‚ ) We should play each other sometime šŸ™‚

    • btw- please take pics of fabled Raynor cutout šŸ™‚

  7. yahooo!!starcrasft 2 here i hope its installed in my comp.

  8. See, here I was happilly content to wait until they realeased all three games in one collection at the end, but now, NOW you are seriously tempting me to buy it now. Its not bad enough I’m still working through like 4 or 5 other games on various systems, you want to add one more to my seemingly never ending list?!? So cruel Shigi, so cruel šŸ˜‰

  9. I wasn’t too thrilled with the ending, but I was pleased with the overall campaign mode. Good stuff.

  10. Well, maybe you like this (from sc1):

  11. happy to hear that by the way šŸ™‚ do you have facebook account ?

  12. That Lego Starcraft was awesome. I do admit the ending of the campaign was a bit awkward and seemed more like a forced Reynor then it was a natural Reynor. I still liked it though. By far my favorite mission is the final Protoss one. Nothing like a Blaze of Glory to end a saga.

  13. Glad to hear it is an awesome game. I’m not going to buy it yet though since i know i will be addicted to it and i can’t have that right now ^__^. I would love to see the 3D cardboard Jim Raynor.

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