Rakuen on Steam

January 5, 2017 at 10:16 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Wow, has it really been two years since I last updated this site? I think most folks who visit here are either regulars over at the forums, or follow me on Twitter or Facebook so you probably already know what’s been going on with me recently! But if not… After nearly four years, I’ve finally completed the video game I’ve been working on: Rakuen! I’m hoping to release the game within the next couple months, but the Steam Page is live as of last month, so you can wishlist the game now if you’d like!


Rakuen (which actually has its own website) is an adventure game about a little Boy who lives in the hospital. One day, the Boy asks his Mom to escort him to the fantasy world from his favorite storybook, so that he can ask the Guardian of the Forest to grant him one wish. In order to receive his wish, the Boy must complete a set of challenges that revolve around helping his neighbors in the hospital by interacting with their alter-egos in the fantasy world…

In terms of gameplay, I’d say it’s like a mix between Maniac Mansion, To the Moon, and Zelda: A Link to the Past (but without battles). It’s primarily a story-driven game, where you traverse each character’s life to learn about their unfinished business and help them through it. The gameplay mixes whimsical dungeons, eerie room escape puzzles, and dialogue-based mysteries that are intricately tied to the story. The original soundtrack, which can be previewed on Bandcamp has 52-tracks (10 of which are vocal songs).

Finishing this game has definitely been a huge challenge, but I’m so happy and thankful I was given the chance to work on something like this. I really hope that people will be able to enjoy it, and I’ll try my best to keep everyone updated on the release date. Take care and have a safe, healthy and happy 2017!

Rakuen Trailer!

September 23, 2014 at 7:38 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments
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Hi everyone! As many of you know, I’ve kind of been living under a rock lately… but it’s for a good cause, really! I’ve been working on Rakuen and preparing a special video for you guys ^_^ So if you haven’t yet seen it, here is the official trailer for my upcoming game, Rakuen… I hope you enjoy!

Double Dragon week!

June 27, 2014 at 2:37 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments
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This week I ended up arranging two pieces of music from “How To Train Your Dragon 2” (bet you thought I was talking about the NES game with the post title, hehe^^)… The first is a piano arrangement of my favorite theme from the movie: “Flying With Mother.”

And the second is a purely vocal arrangement of the ending credits song: “Where No One Goes.” (both composed by John Powell, the latter performed by Jónsi)

I greatly enjoyed this film as well as its music… I left the theater full of emotion. I think they did a great job with the story; the characters felt real and multi-dimensional… Their insecurities and shortcomings were so relatable. And I must say that I was overjoyed to have several flying dreams (that were undoubtedly sparked by the film) over the following nights^^

The 2nd video marks a bit of relief for me… As many of you know, I got very sick this season which turned into laryngitis and a long-lasting cough. Even after I recovered from being sick, my voice was still affected (my pitch was off, and my voice would hurt and feel strained even after singing just one song). I was so worried that my voice was permanently damaged from the cough, and that I’d never sing the same again. But just this week (months after first getting sick), I’d discovered that things were finally back to normal again… I can’t tell you how relieved and how thankful I was to be able to sing again.

So for those who were supportive and patient during this time, thank-you. Being able to sing again also means that I can finally get back to recording the vocal parts for the Rakuen soundtrack that have been postponed for so long! Rakuen had its first pre-beta test this month, and is moving along smoothly! I will make sure to keep you all updated… we’re hoping to release a trailer soon ^_^

Girls in the Video Game Industry #6: Alice Lo

May 20, 2014 at 4:52 pm | Posted in Girls in the Video Game Industry interview series | 7 Comments
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It’s been almost 4 years since my “Girls in the Video Game Industry” series. Since then, I’ve met so many wonderful ladies throughout the industry that do everything from programming to creating concept art to writing quests for World of Warcraft. So I thought it would be fun to do some more interviews highlighting these talented women and their contributions to the industry.

Girls in the Video Game Industry #6: Alice Lo
Developer and Composer at Sheado.net

AliceI met Alice through my forum a few years back. At the time she was juggling two full-time jobs: Programming and composing for her indie company’s first game, Furdiburb, and taking care of her mother who had been diagnosed with Guillain–Barré syndrome (a rare disorder that left her mother paralyzed for 3 years). I was in awe of how she handled everything from physical therapy to battling insurance companies, all the while putting in the time to create a game. Alice is a great example of how being a Jack-of-all-trades (or in this case a “Jill”) is often necessary when running an indie studio and building a game from the ground up. She’s a programmer, composer, artist, and often tops the DPS charts when we raid together in WoW ^_^

1.) Can you tell us a bit about your job?

Our company is really small – I work with Chad, the lead developer, and Danny, the artist. With just the three of us, we each have to wear many different hats. I am primarily a software developer; I program gameplay functionality, design/implement databases, etc. I am the composer of our team and am also the sound engineer. I also write press releases, blog posts, update the web site, and other miscellaneous tasks.

2.) How did you get into the video game industry?

I’m probably dating myself *laughs*, but I was in pre-school when I learned to play with the Apple IIe. I didn’t even know how to read, and I was playing Lode Runner,lode runner Pacman, etc. As I got older, I begged my parents for a Nintendo, but they bought me a Sega Genesis instead. My dad said, “The only reason we even bought you the console is to get you interested in computers. You better like it!” As a side affect, I got addicted to video games too.

My parents also “forced” me to play piano for 9 years. I learned to play some video game music for fun, which my family didn’t appreciate. I practiced drawing video game characters and colored them with Photoshop, picking up tricks and tips along the way. I learned to create web sites to showcase my drawings.

I went to college and majored in computer science. After graduating, I worked in the financial industry for a while. On the side, I learned Flash and made some small games, but couldn’t focus on it regularly. I also dabbled a bit in Second Life learning Blender to create 3D animals and scripting to breathe life into it. Basically, I learned to do many different things “for fun”.

One day, in between jobs, my boyfriend suggested we make a game for Android (it was a very new OS at the time), and so we formed our company Sheado.net with his brother. We have been doing this since 2010. Most of the skills that I learned in the past, that I thought I would never need to use again, have proved useful at one point or another during our venture. Since I was the only person in the company that knew how to play an instrument, I was automatically the composer.

So kids, don’t be afraid of learning something, because you never know when you’ll need it!

3.) What are some of your favorite games?

I don’t like sports or fighting games – I’m really bad at making combos when I’m nervous and sweaty. That said, the ones that I remember fondly are Elemental Master, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Okami, Silent Hill, Shenmue, Left 4 Dead, Odin Sphere, Diablo II, Shadow of Colossus, Plants vs. Zombies, Ghost Trick, and World of Warcraft (I play a destruction warlock!)

4.) What were some of your favorite projects to work on and why?

In Eras of Alchemy, 98% of the sounds are my vocals with applied affects to make it sound like different animals. It was really fun researching each animal, watching the videos for their sounds, and then trying to mimic them. The sounds might be cheesy, but I think I did really well with limited resources. My favorite is the T-rex sound! It’s 4 different layers of my voice(s) smashed together.

But my favorite, and biggest, project was Furdiburb. It’s our first game – a virtual pet adventure game – and we put as many of our creative ideas into it as we could. After vacationing on Earth, his parents accidentally leave him behind, so players care for him by growing food, showering him, and caring for him if he’s sick. He slowly grows up over time, and you can buy him houses, furniture, as well as mutations to change his looks. There are holiday-themed items in the game, and it’s always fun to hear our fans discover them.

The adventure side of it comes with the introduction of a main quest line – discovering a broken spaceship and fixing it up so that Furdi can return to his home planet. The quests involve puzzles and mini-games which reward you different spaceship parts that you can use to repair the ship.

We had a lot of fun designing the puzzles and mini-games. You have to plant a flower, but the gopher keeps eating your seeds. Someone is stuck in a cave and can’t see, can you bring light? One of the mini-games requires the player to write songs using our in-game music editor that Chad wrote from scratch. Furdiburb is actually a very complex game that we’re proud of!

A lot of our fans were with us during the length of the 3-year development, so we received a couple of emails saying they cried when they were finally able to send him home. I guess that’s kind of messed up in a way; I’m glad we made our fans cry. =)

The project is far from perfect, but I think we did really well for our first game.

5.) What are your thoughts on being a female in the video game industry?

That we’re a minority, and female game programmers are even smaller in numbers, but the numbers are growing. Coming from a software developer point of view, it comes with the territory – I entered expecting that. The gaming industry was also a lot smaller back then, so it was mysterious to me.

In my first year of college, I saw very few females in the computer labs, but when I was graduating, I noticed that there were a lot more. Similarly, very very few girls in grade school played video games when I was young, but recently, I’ve heard a statistic that almost 50% of gamers are women, so that’s pretty heartening. We can nitpick the details about casual vs. hardcore gamers, but most importantly, there’s a potential for more females to enter the gaming industry now because there is more interest.

I think back to my childhood and am grateful that my parents didn’t hide the computer from me. I never thought I could work in the gaming industry; I didn’t know “how”. The internet was new and growing when I was in college, and gaming companies were these huge mysterious conglomerates that I learned little about in the back of instruction manuals. College counselors told me “they’re hiring people that know Maya”, and I thought that a game programmer also needed to know how to 3D model. *laughs* Ironically, I can do that now, but not back then.

These days, I think counselors have a better idea because the gaming industry has grown too big to be ignored. With the internet, anyone can find out more information about most of the game companies, what occurs behind the scenes, etc. There are a lot more young girls playing video games these days, and there are more female role models in the industry, which is great! The more female role models there are, the more likely a young girl will say “I want to work in the gaming industry when I grow up!”, and I will look forward to playing their games. =D

70K Contest + New Zelda vocal remix!

April 11, 2014 at 5:12 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Working on Rakuen has been keeping me very busy lately! But thankfully I was able to take a short mental break from building puzzles to record a couple new videos for you guys! The first video is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while… It’s a vocal remix of the music from Kakariko Village in the Zelda games. This is one of those pieces of music that was just so natural and calming to play on the piano, and I’d instinctively swing back and forth and hum along as I was playing (just like I did while walking through Kakariko Village in Link to the Past). I hope this version can bring some calm to your busy day, just as Kondo-san’s original composition did for me during many a stressful times in my life!

This next video is my way of saying “thank-you” to everyone for supporting me and helping my youtube channel reach 70,000 subscribers! I thought I’d hold a special contest with a very lovely prize: A piano-shaped music box that plays a song I wrote/composed for the game To the Moon, “Everything’s Alright.”

On a completely unrelated note: I got to hold a couple of baby geese today. Yeah, that was pretty neat.

Flappy Bird: A note about 8-bit sprites

February 9, 2014 at 6:08 pm | Posted in Video Games | 5 Comments
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All other things aside, as someone who has had to create both 8-bit and 16-bit sprites… When I read captions like these: “look how similar these are, this is ripped art” alongside images like this:

Flappy Bird 1

I feel the need to point out that 8-bit graphics with such severe palette and size limitations will all end up looking pretty similar. As the image below says, Flappy Bird and a Cheep Cheep look no more similar than a Cheep Cheep and a vast array of NES sprites pulled from multiple different NES games from multiple different companies.

Flappy Bird 2

The same can be said about pipes with such graphical limitations (friends of mine who had to create faux 3D metal in the NES era and before will all attest to this). It saddens me that death threats and other cruel forms of vitriol are being slung over something like this.

similar vs ripping off 2

Plants vs. Zombies 2: Egypt Theme on the piano

January 21, 2014 at 2:40 pm | Posted in Plants vs. Zombies piano version series | Leave a comment
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Hi you guys! So a lot of folks have been asking me whether or not I contributed any music to Plants vs. Zombies 2. To answer your question: Yes, a lot of my compositions from the original PvZ were remixed for the sequel; I also composed the music you hear during the Egypt stage. Originally I gave it a silly pun name, as I did with all the earlier tracks (“Walk like an Egyptian Zombie” heh heh)… Anyways, I hope you enjoy ^_^/

This is my *REAL* Facebook page (the others are fake)

January 19, 2014 at 3:16 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Hello all!

I’m writing today to let you guys know that I finally made my own Facebook page! A while back, it was brought to my attention that there were a lot of fake “Laura Shigihara” pages popping up after Plants vs. Zombies came out… I didn’t mind at first, but then I realized that several of them were using my pictures and pretending to be me! There was even one that had some crude material on there >_< Of course, none of those belong to me. I figured that the best thing to do (besides reporting the bad ones), was to make an official page of my own… So hopefully, it will be clear which one is real ^_^


So now, I need to ask you guys for help! I would really really appreciate if you could give the real page a “like” and let people know via Facebook, Twitter, etc. that this one is the real me! While Facebook hasn’t removed some of the folks who are pretending to be me, I think getting as many people as possible to like the real page will go a long way in communicating which one is real… Every little bit helps ^__^

laura shigihara_banner_blue

I will try my best to make the page as interesting as possible, with updates about my games, music videos, contests (I’ll probably do another Zelda Ocarina giveaway), and I’m sure there will be some bad puns and nerdy-jokes as well (ohohoh~!!).

Oh, and lastly! Here is a new video for you guys: “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” from the movie “Frozen”… I hope you enjoy ^_^/

Adamas Nivis (my Christmas present to you^^)

December 26, 2013 at 4:11 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Merry Christmas everyone! This year I thought I’d write you guys a song! It’s called Adamas Nivis (which means diamond snow in Latin).

It was actually inspired by something totally random… My friend Emmy sent me these really cool looking Minecraft cards; they are a tan color, and the drawings on them resemble something that might come from an ancient map. They’re also labelled using Latin names (Ferrum, Adamas, etc.)… For whatever reason, after looking at the “Adamas” one, I started getting music in my head. I was going to play some Holiday Cube on Magic Online, but the music was so pronounced that I had to compose it! So I have to thank Emmy for sending me those cards… Seriously, sometimes inspiration strikes at the most random times and from the most random catalysts!

Anyways, you all have a wonderful holiday season. Stay safe and healthy and eat lots of cookies~!!

First Day

November 19, 2013 at 11:49 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments
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I was really surprised that a number of folks had recognized my voice in a song I wrote for an iPhone game called High School Story. Since then a bunch of folks asked if I’d put up a video for it, so I tried my best to get that finished up today^^ This song is called, “First Day”… And I created it for my friends at Pixelberry Studios. There are some really talented writers there, and I really like some of the things they’re doing to help with education and anti-bullying (they recently partnered with cybersmile.org). They’re also fun to play board games and drink tea with.

Anyways… I hope you enjoy ^_^/

Oh, one more thing: So the reason I’m dressed up like that (yes that’s a blue wig) is because a while back the Pixelberry folks and I entered a Halloween contest all dressed as high school stereotypes (jocks, nerds, cheerleaders, goths, punks, etc.). We ended up losing to a group of people who went as Adventure Time characters, the ringleader being my artist for Rakuen, Emmy ^_^ Small world!

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